
New Sanfilippo type B mutation discovered in the Balkans

A newly identified mutation was found in a boy from Kosovo with Sanfilippo syndrome type B alongside a well-known disease-causing mutation, a recent study reported. Because this mutation had never been reported, the researchers said more research is needed to determine its frequency in the Balkan region of southern…

Vision problems may be earliest symptom of Sanfilippo C: Study

Light-sensing cells in the eyes become damaged and die in Sanfilippo syndrome type C before the onset of behavioral symptoms, a new study indicates. Issues related to vision “may be the first truly distinctive symptom” of Sanfilippo for these patients, which suggests “better disease awareness among ophthalmologists could play…

Enzyme replacement therapy found effective in Sanfilippo type A mice

The investigational, brain-penetrating enzyme replacement therapy DNL126 was found to correct neurological signs of Sanfilippo syndrome type A in a mouse model, according to its developer, Denali Therapeutics. Now, the biopharmaceutical company plans to seek U.S. Food and Drug Administration permission — via an investigational new drug application…

Metabolites in patients’ urine may be markers of disease, ERT response

Researchers identified 11 new candidate metabolite biomarkers in the urine of people with Sanfilippo syndrome, a study reported. Metabolomics, or examining global changes in metabolites in metabolic disorders such as Sanfilippo syndrome, may shed light on underlying disease mechanisms and provide a source of noninvasive biomarkers to support diagnosis,…

Iminosugars may help advance treatments for Sanfilippo: Cell study

Treatment with sugary molecules called iminosugars can reduce the toxic buildup of heparan sulfate in cellular models of Sanfilippo syndrome, a new study reports. The study, “N-Substituted l-Iminosugars for the Treatment of Sanfilippo Type B Syndrome,” was published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. Sanfilippo syndrome is…