Margarida Maia, PhD, science writer —

Margarida is a biochemist (University of Porto, Portugal) with a PhD in biomedical sciences (VIB and KULeuven, Belgium). Her main interest is science communication. She is also passionate about design and the dialogue between art and science.

Articles by Margarida Maia

FDA clears Phase 1 trial of GC1130A for Sanfilippo type A

GC Biopharma and Novel Pharma plan to initiate a Phase 1 clinical trial this year to test the safety and tolerability of  GC1130A, an investigational enzyme replacement therapy that the companies are developing for Sanfilippo syndrome type A. The announcement follows the U.S. Food and Drug Administration…

Sanfilippo syndrome type A candidate named orphan drug

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has granted orphan drug status to GC1130A, an investigational brain-penetrant enzyme replacement therapy that’s in preclinical testing for Sanfilippo syndrome type A. GC1130A, which is being developed by GC Biopharma with Novel Pharma, was also awarded…

Carriers Likely Not at Higher Risk of Adult-onset Dementia

Sanfilippo carriers likely are not at an increased risk of developing adult-onset dementia or other neurodegenerative conditions, despite earlier clinical evidence suggesting such a predisposition, a new study in mice has found. After examining the brains of laboratory mice, the investigators concluded that their mouse model “does not exhibit…