Kelly Wallis,  —

Kelly Wallis lives in Houston, Texas. She is a music therapist who works with the elderly population, and also serves as the organist for her church. She lives with her husband of almost 30 years and her daughter Abby. Abby was diagnosed at age 22 with Sanfilippo syndrome in 2017. Sanfilippo is also called “childhood Alzheimer’s” because it presents similarly to dementia. Abby has an attenuated form of Sanfilippo, meaning it is slower progressing. She writes alongside her other daughter, Emily, about hardships endured as a caregiver with honesty and humor.

Articles by Kelly Wallis

My cancer is stable, so why do I feel guilty?

In 2017, my daughter Abby was diagnosed with Sanfilippo syndrome, a rare, terminal disease. It’s sometimes referred to as “childhood Alzheimer’s” because the symptoms are similar. As a small child, Abby used to be able to speak, interact with others, and independently perform many tasks. This disease is…

What if more people knew about Sanfilippo syndrome?

Rare Disease Day on Feb. 28 is an excellent opportunity to promote awareness of diseases that often receive less attention, research, and funding than more commonly known ones. My daughter Abby has a rare disease called Sanfilippo syndrome, which sometimes is called “childhood Alzheimer’s” because the symptoms…

How Anticipatory Grief Reflects My Daily Reality

Caring for a loved one with a terminal illness is difficult. Not knowing the details or the timing of their passing causes so much anxiety and fear. My daughter Abby has Sanfilippo syndrome, a rare, terminal disease. I find myself caring for her while she is here but also…